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Tourism industry in Georgia
Travel & Tourism and Georgia’s Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs)Destinations Marketing Organizations (DMOs), the marketing agencies promoting destinations and attracting visitors are known as convention & visitors bureaus, tourism development and convention center authorities, chamber of commerce tourism boards, or other quasi-governmental tourism bureaus. DMOs play a significant role in the economic contribution that the tourism industry has on Georgia’s economy. Through successful destination marketing strategies, the many destination organizations in our unique cities, counties, and regions help generate visitor spending with direct, indirect, and induced benefits which supports thousands of businesses and jobs. All sectors of the Georgia economy benefit from tourism activity. Tourism & Georgia’s EconomyTravel and tourism generated $79.7 Billion in Total Tourism Output (Economic Impact) including direct, indirect and induced impact in 2023. Tourism & JobsTravel and tourism supported an estimated 463,483 jobs directly or indirectly in 2023. Tourism & TaxesIn 2023, travel and tourism generated more than $5 Billion in state and local tax revenue. Source: Georgia Department of Economic Development Tourism Division, Explore Georgia - Tourism Satellite Account from Tourism Economics and the U.S. Travel Association. Includes direct, indirect, and induced impact. Total impact figure includes visitor spending, capital investment, government spending, and non-visitor private consumption expenditures. Sources: 2023 Georgia Travel USA Visitor Profile (Longwoods International); International States Travel Database (Tourism Economics); 2023 Georgia Tourism Satellite Account (Tourism Economics); Longwoods International Additional Resources: MarketGeorgia.org Explore Georgia Tourism Industry Portal Georgia Tourism By The Numbers : Explore Georgia One-Sheet Summary |